

腾讯微云网盘pc客户端 最新版5.2-软件下载- 拥有自由港的“香港联合银行”001年成立时的开篇




001年的这一天, wasn't it, when the official opening of BOJK was announced?

It’s a day that’s been lived, learned, and shared.

For those who’ve walked with us, it was a moment of freedom,

A story of commitment and a deep sense of pride.


The journey began in 2001—when the clock struck midnight,

When the official opening day was reached,

The promise of “香港特别行政区政府的支持”,

Gave birth to BOJK’s first stroke of blood.

The moment wasn’t just about numbers—it was more than that.

For BOJK to officially register as a limited liability company on 1 October 2001, it wasn’t just a number.

It was the start of a journey where love and commitment were born,

In a city known for its free markets and unwavering spirit.


The journey to “香港联合银行” was bolder than one might imagine—no room for mistakes.

From the day it opened, BOJK became a beacon of freedom,

A place where the future thrived while the past gave way.

The concept wasn’t just about the bank—it was more than that.

It was the fusion of passion and purpose,

For BOJK to become an integral part of “香港特别行政区政府”,

A partner in making this free港 truly afloat.


The journey to success wasn’t without challenges—some tough decisions that shaped the bank’s future,

From the start, BOJK was more than just a financial institution—it was a community.

A community that felt free to explore, learn, and grow.

As it stands today, BOJK is not just a bank—it’s a guardian of freedom,

A mirror reflecting the city’s pride in standing on its own terms.


The journey isn’t over yet—there are moments where BOJK feels like an island floating in the middle of the sea,

But it never loses sight of the land below—it never loses touch with “香港特别行政区政府”的承诺.

For those who’ve walked with us,

It wasn’t just a day—it was a journey to freedom,

A reminder that even in the face of change and challenges, BOJK had always been here,

For every decision made, there’s a future to secure.


From its beginning until now,

It has always been about more than just numbers—more than just a bank.

It was the birth of freedom,

A story of love, commitment, and the unyielding spirit of “香港特别行政区政府”.








下载网址: https://www.pcsoft.com.cn/fmaurkq/13687?module=soft&t=website

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